Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quck update

Just a quick update on Haley. She's unfortunately still in the hospital, but we're hoping today is the day she will get to come home. The poor girl has so much fluid in her lungs that her oxygen levels aren't where they need to be, so the doctors and nurses are doing what they can to try to clear her lungs and help her to breathe better so she can come home. She has not been a fan of all of the X-rays and blood work, and neither are we. It's heartbreaking to see your little one so scared because she doesn't understand.

Haley is exhausted. If you've ever spent any time in the hospital, you know that it's not a very restful place. The nurses come in often to take blood, perform breathing treatments, and check her oxygen. I will be glad to get her home in her own bed soon.

Despite all the poking and prodding, we did manage to get a few smiles out of her yesterday. We got to unhook her from the machines and go for a walk in the halls and play with some toys and that cheered her up. And since it was her birthday yesterday, my husband went out and brought her back a cupcake and some Disney Princess nail polish and she got to have her nails painted, which is a treat we usually save for special occasions. It was nice to get a glimpse of the happy girl that we've missed over the past few days

I hope you'll excuse me while I am in and out over the next week or so while I tend to Haley and (hopefully today!) bring her home from the hospital. We have been planning her birthday party for this next weekend and with all of the events lately, I'm so glad we decided to plan it then rather than this past weekend. I'll be sharing some details from her party eventually once things calm down. I can't wait to bring her home and celebrate Haley turning 3 and being healthy again.


  1. I have been thinking about you. I hope that she is able to come home and she has a speedy recovery. Nail polish always makes me feel pretty good too :)

  2. Sending Haley good vibes for a speedy recovery.

  3. Oh poor little lady. That is definitely NOT the way to celebrate your 3rd birthday, in scrubs.

    (I'll take a cupcake and disney princess nail polish too!)

  4. Hopefully she'll be coming home today! Hospitals are miserable, especially for kids! I hope all is well and that she'll fully recover very soon!!!

  5. Bless her heart. Hope she is home and feeling better soon! Prayers for you all as well as you help her recover!


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