
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Monster birthday party inspiration

My son's 1st birthday is on the 28th - eek where did the time go?? No matter how much I tell him to stay small, he doesn't listen.


I'm planning on doing a monster-themed birthday aka, "The Little Monster is Turning One!" but I have no idea about the details. Monster party, that's all I got. Since it IS his first birthday and he'll never remember it, maybe I should have gone with a simpler theme, but I don't want Connor to look back at his first birthday and ask, "Why did you guys go all out for Haley's first birthday but you bought a few streamers and a balloon for mine?" Man, the kid isn't even one and he's already giving me hypothetical guilt trips.

As usual, Pinterest came to my rescue. If you haven't heard me talk about Pinterest before, it's basically a virtual resource for categorizing all the things you love. It's a lot of delicious eye candy, I could sit and pin things for hours. (If you want to join the addiction that is Pinterest, email me your address and I'll send you an invite. You can also follow me by clicking HERE or clicking on my Pinterest icon on my left sidebar.)

Here are some of the monster party ideas that inspire me on Pinterest:

Monster Eye Favors from It Is What It Is

Monster Cake by Makoodle

 Monster Bib by Crankypants

Monster Birthday Invite by Posh Little

Now if I could just get off Pinterest and actually PLAN the party...


  1. These are some really cute ideas! I have a little fleece for Connor that says "Little monster" on the feet that would have been perfect too!

  2. I love this idea (: So cute! Can;t wait to see how it all turns out! Isn't Pinterest the greatest thing??

  3. Cute!! Love the monster theme! We are doing Sesame Street theme for Quentin's first birthday - which is two days after your son! We are having party #2 (with friends) on Sunday. I also am not ready for him, my last baby to turn 1. Where did the time go?? Happy 1st to your little monster!


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