
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Guest posting on Sugar Bee Crafts

I'm over at Sugar Bee Crafts today taking part in Mandy's Guest Blogger Extravaganza! Today, I turned my son into an acorn with this little number:

The Acorn Knot Hat serves two purposes:

1. It keeps Connor's head warm.
2. More importantly, I think it'd be really funny to whip this picture out one day when Connor is 16 and getting ready to head out the door with his homecoming date. Revenge for those nights you kept me up, buddy!

So head on over to Sugar Bee Crafts and learn how to make an Acorn Knot Hat so you can embarrass your children when they're teenagers too.

And leave some love while you're at it ;)


  1. This is adorable! And I love that I'm not the only parent plotting that kind of revenge each night she's up feeing her little one! I've got a couple of good shots of my little one licking a TV remote that I'm pretty sure will come in handy one day!


  2. He's so cute in it! Seriously, I think my Connor will be so embarrassed by my photos too. All the little outfits are priceless though!

  3. What a darling little hat - and model! Thanks so much for linking to my Saturday Seven party last week. You'll be featured in tonight's party lineup!

  4. He is the cutest little little 'nut'. Love this hat.


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