
Friday, September 30, 2011

My end-of-season steals

Nothing else gets me like having to pay $30 for teeny baby jeans that they'll grow out of in a month. I mean, babies are like 1/6 the size of a normal person, so lets take that price and divide it by 6. I'd happily pay $5 for baby jeans. Sadly, I don't think retailers will ever agree with me. And that's why I love end-of-season sales so much.

If you've been reading for awhile, you know that I hate paying full-price for stuff, especially clothing, which is probably why I love making clothes for my kids so much. When I go shopping, I usually walk in and make a bee line for the clearance rack. When it comes to clothes for myself, I have an awesome sister-in-law who dresses me, so she's just helping to enable my cheapness even more. And I love her for that. And don't even get me started on my husband. The man would be happy to own a pair of cargo shorts and 2 baseball tees, one in black and one in gray.

So back to baby clothes. At the end of each summer and winter, the hubs and I make a trip to some stores and stock up ahead of time for the coming seasons, which helps us get a lot of cute clothes for the kids at prices we would never be able to get in season. We happened to be in Babies R Us recently to find a new car seat for Connor, and they had an amazing clearance event that I couldn't pass up. Everything was discounted already with an additional discount on top of it PLUS a buy one get one free deal.

It was on.

Here are some of the cute things we scored for next year:

A bunch of cute matching graphic tees and comfy shorts,

(I just love the blue striped shirt for some reason, the color is so pretty! ...I mean manly.)

And of course, I had to get a pair of swim trunks for Connor for next summer. He's going to look like such a big kid :(

For Haley, I found this adorable ruffle skirt,

Jean shorts for $3!

And assorted other pants and shirts. But my favorite had to be these:

Adorable rainbow sneakers! Love love love. They match everything, so that's a major plus :)

Is anyone else an end-of-season shopaholic like me?


  1. I totally am. I hate spending money on things that my kids grow out of in a month or 2, so I've been off to value village for second hand things. End of season stuff is the best. Only occasionally will I get a few new in season items.

  2. Nice haul!

    I'm all about clearance, too. Target is my weak spot - I will haunt the clearance sections, waiting for mark-downs to hit a low enough point. I'm entirely too excited about some of my deals (jeans for $1.98 - yes, they are 2 sizes too big for my daughter, but she'll get there - for under $2, I'll store them somewhere)... I buy flip flops in August for next summer, winter coats in March for the next winter... sure, it means guessing sizes, but my kids would have a minimalist wardrobe for sure if I had to pay full price! Yay for sales!

  3. I shop like you too! I've always stocked up on larger sizes from the year before, when they go on clearance. With 3 boys, I have to! Especially since now my older 2 are at an age where they rip holes in shirts and holes in the knees of pants, since they are rough and play sports.

  4. I honestly ONLY shop in clearance and don't even look at anything else b/c I'd never pay full price. Nothing makes me happy like a good bargain!

  5. I must stay away from sales because I always spend too much because it's on sale! However, my local thrift store puts out clothes BY SEASON! They are my fav. Way to go on saving money!

  6. My kids still grow so fast, I don't know what size they'll be wearing in a year. But I'm all about the consignment stores! I've gotten some really cute stuff and it's always cheap!

  7. As long as your children cooperate (meaning they aren't label conscience) you can do this for older children...teenagers. We always shop sale racks...if the price is right and they like it then, and its modest, I buy it. My youngest 2 children are 15 yr. old girl and 17 year old boy. We've always dressed like this and they are used to it. Our older, out of their own children, still get clearance stuff when I find it for them (jeans this year for $3.98, I could not pass up), but if they want the name brand, fancy labeled clothes, they buy their own. My favorite clearance racks are labeled "half off the lowest price marked" ~ found one of those at Walmart 2 weeks ago!


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