
Monday, May 16, 2011

Buzz Buzz

Last year before Connor was born, Pat, Haley and I made a trip to Pittsburgh to visit family. While we were there, we went to this awesome fabric shop called "LOOM". The store is a candyland of amazing designer fabrics. I would live there if I could. While I love my local fabric store, there's just something about browsing a giant store full of adorable designer fabrics that make a girl want to move in and stay forever.

Since my bank account can't handle the boatloads of fabric I wanted, I had to be careful about the fabrics I chose - and let me tell you, that was difficult given all the fantastic designers: Amy Butler, Michael Miller, Alexander Henry, Robert Kaufman....I was in heaven. I decided to go ahead and buy at least one piece of fabric at full price, so I got 1/2 yard of Alexander Henry's "Tweet Tweet" fabric, which is the one I used to make Haley's simple skirt in THIS post.

Like I said, I knew I couldn't affort the insane amount of fabric I wanted, so I did what any thrifty girl would do - I headed straight to the remnant pile. And that's where I found this adorable fabric!

There in the pile amoung the other scraps was 1/4 yard of Michael Miller's Bee Hive fabric in mustard. With Haley's obsession with bees, I knew I had to get it and make something out of it. Fast forward a year later, and I finally got around to actually using it.

Haley has a sever lack of summer clothes, so with hot Tennessee weather quickly on the way, I knew I wanted to make some shorts and a coordinating shirt out of it for her!

I made some simple, elastic waist shorts with little pockets on the back (you're looking at the back of the pants in the photo above.) I used store-bought bias tape to line the pants and pockets, then added some buttons to the pockets for a little extra detail. I also sewed a large button and elastic string on the front using this tutorial on Craftiness is Not Optional for the fly. I know it's not meant to be used for the fly of pants, but it turned out great!

Might have to do a shorts tutorial in the future....these were so fun and easy!

The shirt was SUPER easy. I used a scrap of the Bee Hive fabric, ironed on some fusible webbing to the back, and then appliqued it to the shirt using a zig-zag stitch.

It was hard to get a decent picture of her in the outfit...she was a little hopped up on sugar during the photo shoot. Judging by her grin, she seems to like it!

Linking up!

Tip Junkie handmade projects
Sumo Sweet StuffPhotobucketBubbly Nature
Today's Creative BlogPhotobucketPhotobucket

Show and Tell Wednesday at Blue Cricket Design


  1. How sweet! She looks adorable!!

  2. oh my! these are too cute! my son loves bees and my mind is reeling with how I could make this look more guy-ish.

  3. Cute outfit!! I just love that fabric!

    Thanks for linking @'Sew Cute Tuesday'!

  4. How adorable! That little pockets are great!

  5. thanks for linking up to Take-A-Look Tuesday at Sugar Bee Crafts - - I featured you today on my FB page!

  6. Love the fabric! The outfit and your little girk are too cute!!

  7. Adorable!!! I am a new follower!!! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello and I would LOVE if you could link up your awesome post to my very first crafty linky party! This is the first week of Delicately Constructed Fridays and I would really appreciate the link!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Oh so cute...wishing my daughter was this small again...! New follower..found you on Flamigo Toes!

  9. Turned out so cute! I love the black and yellow:) Your little girl is adorable too! Saw you on Flamingo Toes. Have a great weekend!


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