We packed so much stuff into 4 days: shopping, yard saling, the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium, 2 birthday celebrations, a trip to Kennywood Amusement Park, a visit to Treesdale for canoeing, and plenty of hang out time with family. It was a great final getaway before the baby comes, and Haley had SO much fun
getting an ice cream mustache at Kennywood...
...canoeing on the lake with Cousin Lena...
...wearing a crown made of wildflowers...
...and riding her first rides at Kennywood (with Mommy of course, I'm not ready to let her try it on her own just yet!)
Oh, and did I mention one of the Christmas presents we got for Haley came in yesterday?
It's a toddler-sized recliner! Yes, I realize it's September, but we just couldn't wait to give her
her present. She loves sitting in the kid-size foam chairs at daycare, so we knew we had to get her one of her own. And why not get her one to match Daddy's chair?
How cute are they?? Now they can both watch the Fresh Beat Band together in their recliners :) And by the way, I would like to thank the whole cast of the Fresh Beat Band for making our 26 hour round trip to and from Pittsburgh that much more enjoyable. Although I have to say their songs are unavoidably catchy, and I think I may have infected my in-laws with Fresh Beat madness while we were visiting...there are worse things I suppose.
The tutorial for the quilted bibs is coming soon, stay tuned!
So jealous you guys got to go to Treesdale and Kennywood, i was telling Shannon I haven't been in forever. Hopefully I make it back to Pittsburgh sometime in the summer in the near future. And Haley is getting so big! I can't wait to see her again, are you guys going to Pittsburgh for Christmas?