
Friday, March 9, 2012

Birthday party eve

Haley finally got to ride that merry-go-round that's she's been asking about since her trip to the hospital last week. This is actually her second time in the past 3 days, it's her favorite thing to do and we can't deny the girl anything since she got out of the hospital. We're lucky she hasn't realized how much she can get away with yet.

My husband's parents are in town visiting for her birthday party tomorrow, so she's being even more spoiled by them. She deserves it, she's been such a brave girl this past week, even after going back to the doctor's office for a checkup to make sure all is well. And I'm happy to report that she is healthy! Music to my ears :)

So now, we're all geared up and ready to go for this little 3-year-old's birthday party tomorrow! And if you guessed that we're doing an "Up!" themed party, you're right! Our house is currently filled with bags of balloons and lots of rainbow colored everything. I have quite a few projects to share with you after the party is over, I went a little overboard with the DIY's for the party. Up! was just a fun theme to plan around, I couldn't help myself.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The merry go round looks like a lot of fun!

    Have a great party!


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