
Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Daddy Hospital Survival Kit

I've gotten lots of great feedback on The Hospital Survival Kit tutorial that I put together for new mothers. It seems that I'm not the only one who could have used some goodies while I was cooped up in the hospital.

While I was browsing some of my favorite blogs recently, I was so excited to see that Nikki at Nature's Heirloom created a Daddy Hospital Survival Kit with lots of fun treats for the guys because hey, they need snacks and pampering at the hospital too.

She included some of her husband's favorite snacks, magazines, gum, and caffeine (always a must-have!) among other goodies.

She also included some sweet thank you notes for him in the basket as well. I guarantee your hubby will be more willing to overlook any insults and screaming during labor if he's given a basket with love notes and his favorite goodies

Check out Nikki's version of the Hospital Survival Kit HERE.


  1. What a great idea, although for mine i would just include a note saying "the hoover is under the stairs and the washing machine goes on cycle 4, welcome to sharing the chores" ;o)

  2. Thanks for the feature Jen!! And for the great idea!!
    (by the way, it was caffeine and then also some gum. Not caffeinated gum. Haha!! Just had to let you know so you didn't go to the store trying to find caffeinated gum and then and think I was lying. LOL!!) :D

  3. I will definitely be making both of these for myself and Drew come November. Even though we're not going to be in a hospital... it'll still be fun. ;)

  4. Awesome ideas! The best one I've heard is to pack a nice, soft shirt for dad in the hospital bag. I've seen too many pictures of new babys with their dad holding their new baby while wearing a junky old t-shirt with a Budweiser label on it and a dirty baseball cap! You never know where you'll be when it's time, so pack a extra soft nice new t-shirt for dad to wear for delivery and first pictures.

  5. I am going to be a new grandma and think I will make my son-in-law this basket. want him to feel included. His first baby too!

  6. Do you have any ideas for a "Grandparent Survival Kit"? My MIL is coming from out-of-state to take care of our son when I go have baby 2. We don't see them often, so this will really be very new for my son and for her. Any ideas would be great! I know what to get my FIL-a gift card to a hardware store and he's happy as a clam.

    I am making a list of places and addresses where they can take our son and shop and play and some fun things they may enjoy doing together... but what else?

  7. Do you have any ideas for a grandparents' survival kit? My in-laws are coming from out-of-state to take care of our son while I'm delivering baby 2. I want to make it easy for my son and for them since we haven't seen them in a while and my son won't remember them. (I'm not worried about him not liking them-he gets along with everyone!)

    Any ideas would be great!

  8. I would add some change for vending machines.


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