
Monday, July 4, 2011

BDR Giveaway!!

***This giveaway is now closed***

Happy 4th of July!

How was your weekend? Full of awesome Button Down Rehab upcycles and refashions I hope?

Mine was full of a LOT of driving. The hubby, kids and I are visiting family for the holiday, which meant a lovely 14 hour drive for us. I'm sure those of you with children understand the horror of spending that much time in the car with young children. Rapunzel was practically on repeat. Now that I'm back on solid, unmoving ground, it's time to kick back, relax, and let the grandparents spoil the kids.

But enough about me, let's talk about you.

I had a ton of fun hosting the series, and I hope you enjoyed all the great projects from myself and my guest posters as well. I've made some new friends along the way, and I wanted to thank everyone for participating in the series. 

And of course, what better way to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone than with a giveaway??

1. Patty Young for Michael Miller: Hive fabric in turquoise.

Did anyone notice this fabric I hid in my fabric stash in my Pittsburgh highlights post? I kinda slipped it in there to see if anyone would recognize that it's the same one I used to make Haley her Bee Pants. Well I loved it so much that I found the same print in turquoise last time I went to Loom, and I picked up a yard to give away!

This could be used to make so many cute things! A clutch maybe? Some adorable beehive coasters? A ruffly skirt? All of the above? I mean, I am giving you a yard after all!

2. Two iron on bee transfers in hot pink.

While I was giving away the cute Hive fabric, I couldn't resist the chance to use my new Silhouette to include a couple of smooth iron on bee transfers as well. Each bee is 3 inches wide and 2 inches tall. And after cutting them out with my Silhouette, I realized that there were a bunch of little pieces that would need to be picked out before ironing, so I sat there with tweezers and picked them all out for you. How nice am I??

I'm envisioning a ruffly skirt and matching top with one of the bee transfers on it for a little girl. That's what I would make anyway :)

3. Four washer pendants.

I made these cute little pendants from washers, letter seals, and Diamond Glaze. Sorry folks, the chain isn't included, but you could find the same kind of thing at a craft store.

4. One of my Bow Cuff Bracelets from day 6 of Button Down Rehab.

My Bow Cuff Bracelet project is tied with my Button Down Bibs as my favorite project of the series. I love it so much because of the "nautical look" that it has with the blue stripes and the red accent. (Oh, and I just might have a nautical-themed dress in the works...)


So do you ready to win some stuff??
There are 3 possible ways to enter!

Here are the rules:

1. Mandatory: Be a follower of My Own Road and leave a comment on this post telling me that you follow.

2. Check out the Button Down Rehab pojects (the series ran June 20-July 1) and leave a comment on this post telling me which one of the projects is your favorite.

3. Like My Own Road on Facebook and leave me a comment on this post telling me you did.

The giveaway will be open through midnight July 10th, and I'll announce the winner on the 11th using

(I love my international readers, but this giveaway is only open to residents of the U.S., sorry guys!)


Linking up!


  1. I am a follower of your super cute blog!

  2. My fav button down rehab was the little vest for your little man! Too stinkin cute!

  3. I like you on facebook as Amie Irwin!

  4. Love the cuff bracelet out of the dress shirt cuff. So cute!

  5. I love the black ruffle pillow! So cute!

  6. I follow your blog!

  7. I really like the tuxedo pillow on day 10. VERY cute!

  8. I also "liked" you on Facebook! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  9. I am following your blog since I got word of the Button Down Rehab through my RSS Feed. Especially the bib ( caught my eye immediately. I'm definitely doing to make this bib for the cutest baby-boy that ever existed: That of my eldest sister. He (his name is Maas) was born last week as her first-born, in a family full of girls (of which I am one, of course, I admit my guilt ;)). My mother was telling me yesterday she was going to trow away old blouses, and I immediately stopped her. I think they'll be a good starting point for the new bib-project I learned about here. Whether I win the give-away or not, I'll be forever grateful for the great ideas and creativity you've given me. Thanks a bunch!

  10. As I said before in my post (which was much too long, sorry!) my absolute favorite is The Button Down Bib!!

  11. I'm very sorry that I am not able to like you on Facebook, for I haven't got a Facebook account.

  12. I am a follower!

  13. I liked you on facebook!

  14. My favorite is the button down bib . . . good thing the fancy stitiching closes the pocket too, that could get messy!

  15. I am delighted to be a follower of On My Own Road! It's an excellent insight into today's modern Mother and HomeMaker.........
    Grandmother Carolyn

  16. Well, I love ALL the ideas, but I'm drawn to the Bracelet Cuff, perhaps that is the part of the shirt that might normally be forgotten in re-cycling.........
    Grandmother Carolyn

  17. ....and yes, I liked you on Face Book, too............I would be delighted if you would visit MY place (no blog yet!) at

    Grandmother Carolyn

  18. I love the pillow its so cute! Thanks!

  19. hey I am a faithful follower :) LOVE all you!

  20. liked you on FB! so excited you are there now!

  21. fave BDR it a tie...pillow & bibs...cannot decide, dont sue me!

  22. I am a follower of your blog and on FB.

    Alisha @

  23. I love both - the bow cuff bracelet and the pendant washers. They are both great. (Sorry for the repeat post)

  24. I love the bib and can't wait to try to make one for my 10 month old son!!

  25. I am a follower for sure - like you on Facebook :) And for the projects, its a hard decision. I LOVE the cuff bracelet for something I can do easily; the tuxedo pillow is very fun because now I can make something for Sadron in the office! YAY!!!

  26. I'm a follower! :)

    aecopley at gmail dot com

  27. I love Day 2's little guy vest. I've been trying to come up with a creative way to make a boy's vest AND reuse some of my husband's old button up shirts. Thank you for solving my dilemma :)

    aecopley at gmail dot com

  28. The cuff bracelet was by far my favorite.

  29. I am a new follower and I would love to win!

  30. The tuxedo pillow is too dapper and cute. =)

  31. Dad's Old Red TruckJuly 7, 2011 at 8:04 PM

    Hey Jen - Thanks to Tamara, I found your blog and FB page! And, what an inspiration you are! I'm ready to take a week off and create!
    We miss you!
    Robin Bailey

  32. I am a follower of your awesome blog!

  33. I can't decide between the tuxedo pillow and the little guy's vest! Those are my faves!!!


Thanks for all of your wonderful comments! I try to respond to each of them through email so please make sure you leave an email address or have your profile set up to include your email address if you want me to respond :)