
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Button Down Rehab series sneak peek

So, I didn't plan on posting this today, but since I'm a total klutz and accidentally hit "publish", I guess you're getting to hear the news a little earlier than I planned! 

I wanted to tell you about a little something that's going to be going on around here in a couple weeks that I'm really excited about.

It all started when my husband was going through his clothes and getting rid of a bunch of button down shirts that didn't fit him anymore. I always love when that happens because hey, more free fabric for me right? (I'm secretly a fabric hoarder. Ok, it's not really a secret, but I'm pretty sure it's a disease shared by many other sewists).

If you follow my Pinterest, you've seen my love for all the many uses of button down shirts out there. And I couldn't just let all that wonderful free fabric go to waste, could I?

So I made some stuff. And, I brought some friends with me.

Between June 20-July 1, I'll be hosting a series called "Button Down Rehab" here on My Own Road. I've gathered a handful of other fantastic bloggers, and we dug through our closets to recreate some new things with some old shirts.

You'll be hearing from Krista of Thar She Sews!, Gwen of Gwenny Penny, Shannon of Details of a Love, and Rebecca of Searching Out Simple. And of course, I'll be posting some of my tutorials in between. Get ready for some really great projects from these talented ladies.

And guess what? I'll actually be posting some boy-themed projects for once. Poor Connor was feeling left out :)

I hope you'll join us for some great refashions, upcycles, and everything in between using button down shirts. So head to your closet (or your nearest thrift store) and bring your old button down shirts to Button Down Rehab. It's gonna be awesome.

And there might even be a giveaway at the end... :)

My Own Road


  1. Love the button you made! Do you have code for sharing? I can link it to my blog as well. I'm excited to see all of the button down makeovers.

  2. What a great idea! FUN FUN FUN!!! Hoping to join in on some fab upcycles :))



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