
Monday, April 4, 2011

Garage sale finds

The weather is getting warmer, and that means GARAGE SALES! My mother-in-law got me addicted to garage saling last year when she came to visit. She is the queen of the garage sale.

The night before, we planned our conquest. We searched Craig's List and mapped out about 10-15 garage sales we were going to hit. We woke up the next morning around 6am, hit the nearest Starbucks, and took our wads of cash to see what we could find.

And from then on, I was hooked.

Imagine my excitement when I noticed that our neighbors put up signs for their garage sale this morning. My first garage sale of the season!(I know, I live a wild, exciting life.) Here were my finds:

Grand total: $14

Is it weird that I'm totally planning on making clothes out of the shower curtain and table cloth? No? Ok good. I know the Scrabble tiles might seem a little random, but I'm going to use those to make Scrabble tile pendants. It's not often you find bags of Scrabble tiles without having to buy the game. As for the frames, those are going to be dressing up a bare wall in our dining room. 

 I probably could have gotten everything even cheaper, but I suck at bartering. They give me a price and I give in and just pay it. Something to work on before this summer's garage sale adventures.


  1. I love yard sales too! Unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with me and my husband hates them!

  2. Those are great finds! When I saw the shower curtain & table cloth I thought "oh fabric!". Can't wait to see what you do with the Scrabble tiles, that's a great deal.

    I'm no good at bartering either.

  3. I hate negotiating a price. I will definitely just pay the 3 bucks for a frame instead of talking them down to 2.47. I can't pass up scrabble tiles either (even if I have to buy the whole game)

    Good finds! I can't wait for yard sale season to begin here!


  4. I loooooove the vase. Seriously. Love it. A wee bit jealous of you for having that vase. Seriously. ;)

  5. Ah, the thrill of the hunt! I can't wait til yard sale season starts here in Chicago...

    those scrabble tiles are killer...


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