
Monday, October 10, 2011

Babushka Doll Shirt {a Silhouette Project}

I just love the ladies over at Prudent Baby. They're so sweet every time I talk to them, not to mention all of the great projects they have for mama's and kiddos. They had a contest awhile ago to see who could come up with the cleverest phrase to go along with a Silhouette Babushka Doll cutouts they were giving away. My entry was "Sometimes it's ok to be full of yourself." I thought it was pretty clever. I didn't make first place, but they were sweet enough to humor me and send me a cutout of the doll anyway. Awesome!

I have several babushka dolls that I've collected through the years, and they now sit in Haley's bedroom up on a high shelf along with all the other things she's not allowed to touch. She always asks for them, so I knew she'd love it if I made her a shirt using the babushka doll cutout.

  • Shirt
  • Babushka Doll design in Silhouette Studio
  • Iron on transfer material
  • Sewable interfacing
  • Scrap fabric the same size as your doll cutout
  • Scrap felt for the flower
  • One small button
  • Basic sewing supplies

Step 1: Cut out your 2 doll pieces.

You will need 2 babushka doll cutouts: 1 of the full design on transfer, and the second just a silhouette of your doll in fabric.

First, use your Silhouette to cut your babushka doll design. Weed the excess transfer material, saving the outline of your doll (seen below).

Next, follow the instructions on the sewable interfacing to iron interfacing to the back of your scrap fabric. Using the outline you saved from your babushka doll template, trace your outline on your fabric using a disappearing ink marker.  Cut out.

Iron your babushka doll fabric onto your shirt and sew around the perimeter of the doll.

Step 2: Apply your iron on transfer material.

Now that your design has been weeded, place the design on top of your fabric. Follow Silhouette's instructions to iron the transfer material to your shirt.

I use a little Fabric Fusion to stick down any unruly edges that don't want to be ironed down well.

Step 3: Make your flower embellishment.

Cut two circles out of your felt: one that is 1 inch in diameter, and one that is about 3/4 inches in diameter.

Place your biggest circle on the bottom, then stack the smaller circle on top followed by the button. Hand sew your flower to your shirt.

Not too bad, right? (Besides the fact that you can see the blue disappearing ink marker I used to trace the doll :)

Haley was just happy that I let her play with the dolls during the photo shoot.

Check out my sidebar to see where I link up each week!


  1. Oh. My. Word. I need a Bubushka doll shirt too!!! I mean- my girls need Bubushka doll shirts!

  2. "Sometimes it's ok to be full of yourself." HA! I LOVE it! The winning entry must have been pretty amazing to top yours :) Adorable shirt, Jen.

  3. I love everything related to Babushka Doll. This shirt is so CUTE!

  4. I have a whole collection of those dolls! What a darling shirt! Would you like to link up with Creative Me Monday? I'd love to have you join the party, it's open all week! Here's the link:

    Hope to see you there!
    Jenny @ The Southern Institute

  5. This is absolutely adorable! I LOVE it. Seriously. Such a cute concept and you carried it out perfectly! Thanks so much or sharing!

  6. This turned out beautifully!! So cute!

    You might like the giveaway of children's room art happening on my blog -- come by if you'd like



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